Eln 2 agenda
These are better expressed in the Kanban boards on GitHub.
[ MNA ] [ Sim ] [ Blocks ] [ Items ]
Phase 1: MNA Code [DONE]
- MNA finished
Phase 2: SingleNode [IN PROGRESS]
Kanban board: Phase 2 Projects
config file disclaimer option (disables the mod in un-obfuscated contexts, unless the user agrees to not pester the devs before 1.0)
Basic Sim API (not mod-integration ready necessarily)
Thermal Networks:
- CreativeHeater: a simple thermal cable heater
- Heatsink: a simple heatsink with no fan
- Heatsink with a fan: a simple heatsink with a fan (12v, 24W)
Shaft Networks:
- generator
- motor
- turbines
- clutch
- static shaft
Electrical Networks (with Thermal System)
- SingleCable: a current based uninsulated cable that connects similarly to RF pipes
- SingleSource: a simple voltage source block
- SingleGround: a simple ground pin
- SingleSwitch: a current based uninsulated throw switch
- SingleResistor: a basic capacitor
- SingleCapacitor: a simple capacitor
- SingleInductor: a simple inductor
- Basic 12v Battery
NOTE: Models are not a priority at this stage as most of the Single* items will be removed later.
Phase 2.5: Sim Revisit
Cameron wants to revisit the Electrical Simulator code after we finish Node.
If you want a good read, you shoud find a book about non-linear dynamic circuit systems.
Theoretically, this fixes our issues with InterSystem from the 1.7.10 version of Electrical Age.
Phase 3: MultiNode
- Ghost Node implementation
- solar panels
- wind turbines
- autominer
Phase 4: SixNode (Tiny Node if FMB?)
- "New" SixNode
- cables
- switches
- resistors
- inductor
- capacitor
- lamp sockets
- lamp supply
- Remove Single* or at least de-list it (shadow registry)
Phase 5: Alpha Release and debugging
- Initial rounds of bug fixing
- Some reasonable textures
- API v1.0 Stabilization (for mod compatibility)
- Documentation subsystem using Patchouli
- Write a converter to make this also presented on the website.
- PDF "Datasheets" for components, akin to the ones in Shenzhen I/O
- Mod translation code
When done:
- remove developer disclaimer config
- Release 2.0
Phase 6: Machines and equipment
In no particular order:
- mod integration
- oredict (items, fluids, gasses)
- Machines
- crusher
- air compressor
- experimental teleporter
- Woodworking
- saw
- lathe (electric, shaft)
- mill (electric, shaft)
- drill press (electric, shaft)
- shaper (electric, shaft)
- press break (manual, electric, shaft)
- english wheel (electric, shaft)
- oxy-acetylene torch (gas)
- hot riveting machine (electric, shaft)
- electric welder (electric)
Industrial Metwalworking
- rolling machine (electric, shaft)
- forge hammer (electric, shaft)
- forge heater (thermal)
Pole update material:
- data cables, fiber (Sigbus, OC)
- fiber box
- 200v, 480v (lower wires)
- 16kV (standard height poles)
- 125kV power transmission (extra height poles and power transmission)
- 220kV power transmission (power transfer towers)
- data cables, fiber (Sigbus, OC)
- Underground cable transmission
- manholes
- underground fiber
- fiber box
- <2kV cables/sigbus
- Ground transformer
- Steam and Oil Processing
- Oil fields
- Oil rigs (factorio-esque with diminishing returns)
- Oil Processing Tanks
- Biofuel Processing
- Solar Tower (generates steam from heat)
- Nuclear Reactor (generates hot coolant)
- Liquid Heat Exchangers (uses hot coolant and water to make steam and cold coolant)
- [ ]Gas Heat Exchangers - uses exhaust from gas turbines to heat water to make steam